Architectural Design and Regulation 建筑设计与法规

2011年2月20日 0 条评论 266 次阅读 0 人点赞

从建筑和建筑的最早阶段开始,建筑师的行动就受到规则,法规,标准和治理实践的制约。这些范围从试图影响定居模式的正式结构的社会文化和宗教法规到规定与建筑结构安全有关的详细设计元素的规定性建筑法规。在《建筑设计与规范》中,作者认为,建筑的规则和监管基础是设计和开发过程中社会制度和政治干预措施的更广泛领域的一部分,这些活动用于界定和定义建筑师的活动范围。 。
From the earliest periods of architecture and building, architects’ actions have been conditioned by rules, regulations, standards, and governance practices. These range from socio-cultural and religious codes seeking to influence the formal structure of settlement patterns, to prescriptive building regulations specifying detailed elements of design in relation to the safety of building structures. In Architectural Design and Regulation the authors argue that the rule and regulatory basis of architecture is part of a broader field of socio-institutional and political interventions in the design and development process that serve to delimit, and define, the scope of the activities of architects.
The book explores how the practices of architects are embedded in complex systems of rules and regulations. The authors develop the understanding that the rules and regulations of building form and performance ought not to be counterpoised as external to creative processes and practices, but as integral to the creation of well-designed places. The contribution of Architectural Design and Regulation is to show that far from the rule and regulatory basis of architecture undermining the capacities of architects to design, they are the basis for new and challenging activities that open up possibilities for reinventing the actions of architects.





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